ShotokuTech Saturday Story Time 27 June 2020
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Mirror Image of Earth and Sun, New home for pit bull and pig, Ancient Peruvian Mystery Solved From Space, IBM Pulls Facial Recognition, ‘Bill and Ted 3’, 1st U.S. woman to walk in space goes to deepest spot in ocean, Footage of Largest Group of Nesting Green Sea Turtles, Last Days of American Crime Scores Rotten Tomatoes 0%, 2nd repeating radio burst from space, Titan migrating away from Saturn, Chimpanzees Have Bone Heart.
ShotokuTech News of the Week: 13 June 2020 edition.
ACLU sues Clearview AI over privacy, Small brewery bashes Astros with 'Trash Can Banger' beer, Coronavirus went from bats and pangolins to people, Sixth Mass Extinction Is Accelerating, The cleanest air on Earth, Which Ocean is the Cleanest?, 11-Year-Old Skateboarder Hospitalized with Injuries, Martian moon's suggests Mars had a ring, Russian Clean Up of Arctic Spill, Lost Monument of Early Maya Civilization, Belize Ancient burial site.
ShotokuTech News of the Week: 6 June 2020 edition.
Crew Dragon One Returns, 14K Year Old Horse in Pool, Alligator Crossing, National Security Surveillance Declines, New Mars Glacier, Parker P...